During the 1965 US military invasion of the Dominican Republic, the Dominican people found support among friends and allies as an outpouring of solidarity poured in from all around the world.
Do you remember where you were when 9/11 happened? On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Esendom journalists discuss the impact on their lives and society as a whole.
Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. in 2021 is as important as in no other time in American history. Let us not forget Selma and the sacrifices made to get to this exact moment in time because we all have a dream that will ask that we continue the fight to see it through.
Entrevistamos al fotógrafo dominicano Thimo Pimentel, testigo de la intervención norteamericana del 1965 en R. Dominicana.
Se cumplen 55 años del golpe de estado a Juan Bosch.
On the 57th anniversary of Trujillo's assassination, ESENDOM remembers all of those who gave their lives for freedom.
Un día como hoy, José Francisco Peña Gómez llamaba a la población a defender la constitución del 1963 y reinstaurar el gobierno democrático del profesor Juan Bosch.
Tony Capellán (1955-2017): artista, poeta y brigadista internacionalista en la Nicaragua revolucionaria.
Una fuente audiovisual que narra el asesinato de las Hermanas Mirabal a manos de la dictadura trujillista.
En 1973, la revista dominicana ¡Ahora! denunció el golpe de estado en Chile.
Interested in knowing who resisted the regime of Dominican dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina? Learn about José Mesón, Mayobanex Vargas, and other freedom fighters.
¿Conoce a los heroés del movimiento 14 de junio? José Mesón Acosta y Mayobanex Vargas fueron entre los revolucionarios que lucharon en contra de la dictadura trujillista.