Political forces from the island compete for space not only in New York but in other Dominican communities across the United States.
Lies, fabrications and rumors. The ingredients for a media blackout .
Dominican@s celebraron su herencia en alto durante su desfile.
Este domingo 12 de agosto una inmensa multitud de personas arropó de verde la ciudad de Santo Domingo.
Las ciberbotellas viven del erario público por el simple hecho de hacerle trabajo partidario al gobierno de Danilo Medina.
Rampart corruption coupled with state policies that hurt the poor and benefit the wealthy few are eroding what is left of the public healthcare system in the Dominican Republic.
The state-run health care system in the Dominican Republic has declined considerably in recent years due to rampart corruption, poor management and a drive to privatize health care.
La marcha hizo referencia al brutal asesinato de Yúniol Ramírez, profesor de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), miembro del opositor Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM) y crítico feroz del gobierno dominicano.