Cultura y conciencia

Trump Replaces Mr. Potato Head with Mr. Bubble Head

Satire, HumorESENDOMComment

By Chochueca
March 26, 2018

Oh boy, here we go again. The nation is at peril once again.

In one of his usual moves, President Donald Trump replaced Mr. Potato Head with Mr. Bubble Head as advisor for Social Media Affairs.

Some commentators— alongside respected members of the scientific community— criticized the sudden replacement of the revered Mr. Potato Head, a five-star hero in the Fast Food Wars. The concern is that once it bursts, a Bubble Head in the White House could leave a horrid stench. 

According to one anonymous source, Trump wished good luck to Mr. Potato Head during a private dinner at the White House. “You are a VERY nice guy. Nice. Just Niceeee!” said Trump to Mr. Potato Head, according to the source.

Trump also said in Spanish that he couldn’t stand Mr. Potato Head’s head moving all day long to “Despacito”, the popular hit song.
